

Un joli cadeau et une gentille lettre pour les employés Apple


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Cupertino a pris l’habitude d’offrir, avant les fêtes de fin d’année, des cadeaux à ses employés, histoire de les remercier pour leur boulot annuel. Cette année, la Pomme offre un sac à dos Incase Black, spécialement conçu pour l’occasion, avec un logo pommé frappé sur le dos.

L’un d’entre eux a mis son sac en vente sur eBay, et a récolté 99 $ de cette vente. Malin.

La Pomme accompagne le cadeau d’un gentil petit mot, que voici reproduit.

This is our gift to you.
But it can never compare to what you’ve given.

What does it take to give a gift?
It takes thoughtfulness. Compassion.
And sometimes, sacrifice of your time,
your talent, and your heart,

These are the gifts you give:
kindness, knowledge, humor, and patience.
You give them when you cover for a teammate,
so they can go on a much-deserved break.
When you send an email recognizing a job
well done. Or when you grab an extra coffee
for a friend before you clock in.

You give these gifts whether it’s the beginning
of the season, or the end of a very long day.
You do it over, and over, and over again.

Amazing products are designed in Cupertino.
Amazing moments are made by you.
These moments are your gift this
holiday season—to your customers,
to your team, and to the world.

Thank you.